Partizan 2016
Partizan's new venue at the showground - but very much the familiar formula and a hall full of old friends and a great atmosphere. It seems they were queueing round the block to welcome a reconfigured favourite.
As an innovation, Partizan had zoned the space notionally into demo-style and participation games ... with a history zone in the middle (an island of tables with the Pike and Shot, SOTCW, GCN etc. and ourselves all clustered around and, as it were, mutually supportive) ...
A special zone for the societies - what a great idea.
By 'ourselves', for this one I mean Lance & Longbow, the Northampton Battlefields Society and the Society of Ancients.
We supported 2 battles from Northamptonshire ... the 1460 battle of Edgcote (directly on the L&L and SoA remit) and the county's most famous battle, Naseby from the Civil War.
(looking across Edgcote and in the distance, Naseby, Northamptonshire's battlefields)
I'll include a separate feature on our ADLG trial game of Edgcote as a follow up to this report, but meanwhile here are some pictures from the show ...
(Edgcote 1469: start positions looking roughly South West)
And the Battle of Naseby (Northampton Battlefields Society/Naseby Battlefield Project) ... Naseby, of course, have recently begun a start up project in the next stage of their bid for a 21st century Visitor Centre.
(Naseby battlefield from behind the Parliamentarian left flank)
(1645 Naseby: smoke from the volleys of Okey's dragoons engulf's the King's right wing)
And we were promoting Northampton's new book on the 1460 battle ...
(arms and armour from the NBS shows collection - photo by Chris A)
Having an aisle between the Society stands and our games (rather than the way we usually abut them) stretched us too thin and we were not able to man the stand talk about the historical battlefields and play the development game of Edgcote.
We simply did not have enough bodies to stretch over the gap.
So apologies to anyone who went unattended or who thought they were ignored. Actually we were simply caught out by the layout (which was new to us).
Not a whinge though - the societies did perfectly well out of the arrangements and so thank you to the organisers for a productive layout - just now we have seen how it works, we need to recruit an extra volunteer or two.
(the battle of Circensium)
Successful also seemed to be ... the game based on a book with the author of the books next to the game signing books ... Mssrs Miller, Hendry and Sidebottom to be precise and Ben Kane in costume too ...
The battle was based on an episode in one of Harry's books ...
(collaborators ... figures by - game by - book by ... courtesy of the BigRedBatcave)
For more on the project, please have a look at Simon's blog.
Not that many anc/med games other than that ... there was a nice Eleanor Cross (based on the Northampton one) in the St Albans game ...
... and WD were running their Cursus Honorum game of Roman career advancement ...
(Wargame Developments: Jerry all set for the next set of Roman aristocrats)
The other participation games looked good too ...
(collage: some of the impressive participation games running at Partizan 2016)
... and there seemed to be a lot of lace (one of 2016's signatures?) ...
I rather liked this nice WWII game ...
But most innovative has to be this toy town game where the figures have all been made out of clothes pegs!!!
(click on the pictures to bring up a larger image)
Follow up links should you need them:-
Our next show will be Phalanx next month ...
... and finally, how about this for photographing 15mm from Chris A? These are some of my Welsh from the Edgcote game ...